While not all JavaScript is used to create spam bots, most bots do require it in order to function properly.

Most spam bots are created in JavaScript or Flash scripts which are embedded into web pages for distribution. Spam bots can be programmed to mimic a human being online by their behavior and use of language, but are unable to logically communicate with other computers or websites without crashing them. Spammers create spam bots by writing computer programming code that allows these programs to mimic human behavior in order fool web servers into delivering their payloads, such as spam or viruses, to the intended victims. To make sure you do not become another victim of spam bots, it’s important to understand how they work and what you can do to stop them before they completely take over your business. Spam bots are created with the intent of making malicious attacks on your website without human interaction. Sending spam emails overloads servers, causing websites to go offline and often prevents legitimate recipients from receiving important messages. Heh.A spam bot (or “spambot”) is a program that runs automated tasks over the internet in order to send out spam emails. Reporting a problem with my form to Google.

Forcing users to log-in and limiting them to 1 response per, by using the "Limit responses to 1 per person" setting, but that goes against the goal of the form, which should store as many responses from one user as he sees fit (probably 2 or 3 per user, per week).Place a captcha-like question with data validation (Usually a "what's 10+2" or similar, but as I have to change it manually, it's a chore to do it every day) and the spammer can easily set his program to input the new answer and spam thousands of responses in a single hour.Placing a second section on the form, even if it just contains a "submit response" button and nothing else.Program can just parse question titles, and see where to submit what) Shuffling question order (there's 4 of them, the spammer/attacker.Recently, I have become the victim of spamming on the form, to the point that I have to constantly hop on different forms as the flooded ones get unusable.Īs Google Forms does not implement reCaptcha elements, does any of you know of any effective ways to avoid spamming on your forms from a bot/program? My form gathers 300 responses daily (normal traffic, spamming takes this to ~10,000 a day, making the form unusable), and I would like to avoid forcing users to log-in using google and limiting their responses to 1 per user. I have a Google Form that works in conjuction with a facebook Page of mine, that has become quite popular.